Edge Details

The Edge Details tool allows you to procedurally add detailed hems, bias binding or other new edge geometry, as well as stitches along the selected edges in a way that is stable with any kind of deformation or animation thanks to UV space computing. It contains a number of preset hems and bias binding or piping types names according to ISO 751A numbers, as well as stitch types named according to ISO 4915 numbers, or custom profile curves. It also creates a local UV space along the selected edge for precise shading of the details.

Inputs #

Apply Scale #

If true this corrects the input values depending on the object scale, and acts the same as applying the scale transformation of the object to its data.

Edge Selection #

The vertex group selection on which to add details. Must be points forming edges, singles vertices will not work.

UV Map #

The mesh UV map used to compute all UV Space operations.

UV Scale #

This set the scale correspondance between the UV Space and the object. The ratio of a distance in UV Space to its corresponding length in Object Space.

Hem Settings #

This contains settings to create generate the hems or bias binding along the Edge Selection.

Hem Profile Type

This allows to select the hem profile in a library of preset hems named according to ISO 751A numbers.

Custom Profile

This allows to input a custom hem profile curve to define geometry generation. Must be a non-cyclic curve, with the up direction along the Z axis and the curve oriented lengthwise along the positive Y axis. The curve of index 0 will always be the extrusions to the base mesh, any other curves will be created as additional floating geometry. See curve orientation or example curves to make sure it is set up properly.

Hem Profile Resampling

If different from 0, this resamples the profile curve that generates the geometry, enabling better precision and look.

Curve Reverse Threshold

Threshold used to edit the orientation of the curves made from the Edge Selection in order to make them more consistant.

Hem Length

The total length of the hem including all geometry.

Hem Thickness

The total thickness of the hem including all geometry.

Fillet Resolution

Resolution of the fillet operation added to the profile curve to give rounded corners.

Fillet Radius

Radius of the fillet operation added to the profile curve to give rounded corners.

Deformation Correction

This allows to correct the position of the extruded geometry so that it is at the correct distance from the base mesh which prevents clipping. Proximity Based will correct the position along the normal of the nearest point of the surface of the base mesh. UV Based will find the point of the base mesh that is supposed to be in front of the point of the new geometry using UV coordinates, and then correcting the position using the position and normal of the mesh at the computed UV position. Raycast Based will correct the position along the normal of the surface of the base mesh which is directly in front of the extruded part.

UV Extrusion Mode

This sets the UV mapping behavior of the generated geometry. Extend will continue the UV in the direction of the base mesh, better for procedural textures. Mirror fold back the UV mapping of the generated geometry onto the base mesh.

Skip Previous Hems

If true the hems will not be extruded on geometry that was previously created by another Edge Detals tool.

Skip Previous Seams

If true the hems will not be extruded on geometry that was previously created by a Seam Detals tool.

Floating Settings #

This contains settings to transform the additional fabric parts created by some hems.

Binormal Offset

This distance offsets the floating parts away from the selected edge in a direction perpendicular to the normal of the mesh surface and the tangent of the Edge Selection.

Normal Offset

This distance offsets the floating parts along the normal of the mesh surface.


This value twists the floating parts around the tangent direction of the Edge Selection.

Override Material

If true the material of the floating parts will be overriden by the material below.

Floating Material

Material that will be applied to the floating parts if Override Material is set to true.

Pinch Settings #

This contains settings to deform the profile curve generating the hem and add easy control to the hem shape.

Pre Subdivide

Subdivision level applied to the hem profile curve before the pinching operations to provide finer control over the shape.

Pinch Start

Vertical scale factor of the profile curve points near the base of the hem.

Pinch Middle

Vertical scale factor of the profile curve points in the middle of the hem.

Pinch End

Vertical scale factor of the profile curve points near the end of the hem.

Stitch Settings #

This contains the settings to add stitches to the edge.

Enable Stitches

Enables the conversion of the curves to stitches.

Stitch Type

This allows to select the stitch pattern in a library of preset unit stitches named according to ISO 4915 numbers.

Custom Stitch Curve

This allows to input a custom unit stitch to define the stitching pattern. Must be a non-cyclic curve, with the up direction along the Z axis and the curve oriented lengthwise along the positive Y axis. See curve orientation or example curves to make sure it is set up properly.

Resample Unit Stitch

If different from 0, this resamples the unit stitch that generates the stitching, enabling better resolution for animation or when converting the curve to a thread.

Stitch Step Size

This sets step size of the stitch, which will repeat at each integer multiple of this length.

Stitch Step Multiplier

This factor lengthen the unit stitch to make the end of a stitch overlap with the start of the next. Useful for stitches that goes back and forth such as lock stitches.

Stitch Width

The width of the stitches.

Stitch Thickness

The thickness of the stitches.

Edge Distance

This distance offsets the stitches away from the selected edge in a direction perpendicular to the normal of the mesh surface and the tangent of the Edge Selection.

Normal Offset

This distance offsets the stitches along the normal of the mesh surface.

Snap To Island Border

This moves the endpoints of the curves so that they reach the edges of the mesh islands.

Compute Mode

Sets the compute mode of the stitches, between Instancing where each unit stitch curve is instanced over the whole curve and linked together, or local coordinates where the curve is distorted to generate all of the stitches depending on the mesh shape at a given point.

Animation Progress

This factor allow to animate the stitching, from 0 where no stitch is visible to 1 with the stitch fully realized.

Animation Width

This factor value sets the width of the animation effect, relative to the total length of the stitch curve.

Animation Height

This distance sets the maximum height of the stitch animation along the normal of the mesh surface.

Animation Settings #

This contains the settings to animate the hem.


This factor allow to animate the building of the hem, from 0 where no hem is visible to 1 with the hem fully realized.

Outputs #

UV Map #

UV Map with added coordinates for the newly created geometry depending on the chosen UV Extrusion Mode.

UV Hems #

A custom UV Map stored on the mesh that maps coordinates relative to the closest point of the spline generating the details. X stores how far along the curve the point is, Y stores the oriented distance from the point to the curve in a perpendicular direction, Z stores the oriented distance from the point to the curve in the tangent direction.

Extruded Geometry #

Boolean field set to true for the parts of the geometry that were created by this tool using extrusions.

Detached Geometry #

Boolean field set to true if the newly created geometry through extrusions is not attached to the original mesh.

Original Selection #

Boolean field set to true for the original Edge Selection attribute that was extruded, excluding the new geometry.

New Edge #

Boolean field set to true for the new edge of the geometry created by the extrusions.

Processed Islands #

Boolean field set to true if the mesh island or its data was edited by this tool.

Stitches #

Boolean field set to true for the generated stitch curves.

Updated on December 18, 2024