Detail Threads

The Detail Threads tool converts a curve created or not by other tools to a mesh to create thread geometry. It provides 3 LOD levels depending on details needed, with flyaway fibers, multiple plys, sub fibers, and much more.

Inputs #

Render LOD #

The level of details to be used at render time. 0 is full details with plys and fibers and 2 is low details with only base geometry.

Viewport LOD #

The level of details to be used in the viewport. 0 is full details with plys and fibers and 2 is low details with only base geometry.

Thread Attribute #

The boolean field to select the curves on which to apply the tool. If true this will apply to all curves in the mesh, setting it to a chosen attribute gives better control.

Subdivide Curve #

The number of subdivisions to increase the thread curve resolution prior to meshing. This also allows to better see the effects of twisting the threads.

Set As NURBS #

Set the curve type to NURBS if true. This is more computationally intensive as it increases the number of control points but the result is better for closeups.

Thread Radius #

The global radius of the thread.

Thread Resolution #

The resolution of the thread circular section in LOD 2.

Material #

The material to assign to the threads.

Twist Speed #

The global twist speed of the thread in number of turns by cm.

Trim Start #

The length used to determine where to start the meshing of the curves.

Trim End #

The length used to determine where to end the meshing of the curves.

Viewport Decimation #

Global decimation of a number of settings to improve viewport performances. 1 is no optimization and 0 is full optimization.

Fill Caps #

Fill the ends of the generated mesh with n-gons. The resulting mesh is Manifold, the two new faces for each spline are simply connected to existing edges.

Set Auto Handles #

If the curve is of type bezier, this recomputes the position of the handles which gives best result if subdivision and twisting were used.

Ply Settings #

The parameters to set up the plys that make up the threads. Only useful in LOD 0 or 1.

Ply Count

The number of plys that make up the main thread.

Ply Resolution

The resolution of the plys circular section.

Ply Twist Speed

The twist speed of each plys in number of turns by cm.

Fiber Settings #

The parameters to set up the fibers that make up the plys. Only useful in LOD 0 .

Fiber Count

The number of fibers that make up each of the threads plys.

Fiber Radius

The radius of each fiber making up the plys.

Fiber Resolution

The resolution of the fibers circular section.

Flyaway Settings #

The parameters to add flyaway fibers to the threads. Those are only generated at control points so a good curve resolution is needed.

Flyaway Count

The number of flyaway fibers to add.

Flyaway Radius

The radius of the flyaway fibers.

Flyaway Radius Resolution

The resolution of the flyaway fibers circular section.

Flyaway Length

The length of the flyaway fibers.

Flyaway Length Resolution

The resolution along the length of the flyaway fibers.

Flyaway Frizz

Frizz factor to distort the flyaway fibers. This is based on Blenders Frizz Hair Curve nodegroup.

Flyaway Types

This is the number of different types or variations of flyaway fibers to auto generate.

Flyaway Custom Curves

This is a collection to override the auto generation of flyaway fibers profiles with custom profile curves.

Flyaway Align

This factor aligns the flyaway fibers to the base thread curve.

Flyaway Rotation

This set the range of random rotations to apply to the flyaway fibers between this value and minus this value.

Outputs #

Threads UV #

A custom UV Map to texture the thread geometry created by the tool. The X value is mapped along the length of the thread, the Y value around its perimeter and the Z values contains an index for each ply of the thread.

Updated on December 14, 2024